Pitch control

Pitch control systems, technology and design for wind turbines

Optimise wind turbine power production with DEIF Wind Power Technology's pitch control solutions, cost optimised and with maximum safety for your turbine

The pitch system is the most critical safety subsystem of the wind turbine, at the same time, the pitch system is critical for optimizing the power production. DEIF Wind Power Technology develops high quality standard solutions to optimise turbine pitch control and designs dedicated products to complete pitch solutions such as the pitch drive - Integrated Motor Drive, IMD 100, and pitch components for wind turbines.​

Pitch design

DEIF Wind Power Technology designs pitch control solutions for on and off-shore wind turbines from small 150 kW up to 7 MW. DEIF Wind Power Technology supplies either; pitch components as part of a solution, separately to be adapted to your requirements for pitch designs or as part of complete pitch systems. Read more about pitch design

New or existing turbines?

DEIF's pitch control system includes a complete package of key components that can be integrated into existing turbines' pitch control designs or as foundation for a new design that complies with the latest GL and IEC demands for machinery and personal safety.

Robust pitch drive - Integrated Motor Drive,IMD 100, ISO 13849 compliant

The pitch drive, IMD 100, constitutes one of the most critical components in the pitch system.

"You can easily put a blade into high wind, but if you don’t pitch correctly, you can destroy the turbine. Pitching is finding the right angle of the blade in the right wind condition” 

Based on close cooperation with certifying bodies, DEIF Wind Power Technology offers the Integrated Motor Drive series certified in accordance with ISO 13849 which complies with today’s safety standards for all new wind turbines.

System designs vary depending on philosophy and turbine design. DEIF Wind Power Technology can supply the design for the most common pitch boxes 3,4,5,6 and 7. There is a tendency that the Cost of Energy (CoE) leads to more compact pitch control systems where space, weight and not least safety are the biggest drivers for more integrated systems.

Turbine control or turbine retrofit?

DEIF Wind Power Technology develops and installs innovative green solutions for pitch control, turbine control and retrofit. Overall to secure and increase turbine performance. Choose DEIF's wind power solutions to reduce your Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) and increase your green electricity production.

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