SGC Smart Connect Mk II
SGC Smart Connect Mk II
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New features
- DTC Manager: added as a tool providing options to update SPN and FMI descriptions and ignore specific SPN/FMI codes.
- Display enhancements: added the ability to display customer details on the boot up screen through the display language tool.
- Remote display functionality: added live link for enhanced remote display capabilities.
- Digital inputs: added "Shutdown override" function.
- Maintenance module: added "Shutdown" as an alarm action.
- Custom sensors: added activation and delay timers.
- Manual mode: added auto load transfer as a separate parameter for mains.
- External EGR support: enabled via digital input.
- File information: added provision for relevant screens.
- AC system: introduced an alternate nominal AC system.
Supported versions:
- SGC 120 Mk II: R12 to R16.01.
- SGC 420 Mk II: R12 to R17.00.
- SGC 120 Mk II Lite: R16.00.
- SGC 420 Mk II Lite: R17.00.
Description | ||
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05/02/2025 |
New features
Supported versions:- SGC 120 Mk II: R12 to R16.01. | |
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New Features
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24/04/2024 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II New features | |
28/02/2024 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II New features | |
01/12/2023 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II • Supports SGC 120 Mk ll R12, R13 & R14. | |
15/09/2023 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II • Initial release. |
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