AGI 400 SW Pack for BSP ver. 1.3 or above
AGI 400 SW Pack for BSP ver. 1.3 or above
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New features
- Added support for the download of the Machine.ini file on the Manage Target Board of AGI Creator.
- Added AGI 415 MHB and AGI 405 panel models under DEIF brand.
- Import of multilanguage texts in messages should match existing languages.
- Added remove support of WCE panels from v4.5.2.x for DEIF AGI.
- Added X7/X10 - System Variables (Proximity, Brightness).
- Added system variables to support "MicroEDGE" devices
- Updated DEIF Brand.
- [MIQE] Added "HEXADECIMAL IO" for XML importer
- CODESYS 3.5.19.
- [S7OP] Added security settings management.
- [S7ET][S7OP] Added support for importer Tia Portal project 19.
- X7/X10 - System Variables.
- [OPCU] Mask password in UI.
- [MIQE] AGI Creator can not import new Tag file format generated from GX WORKS 3 v1.081k.
- [CDSH] [CDS3] In a AGI Creator project, Tags are imported without comment.
- JM4Web: Improved naming of image files.
- Added option to enable fastboot only in AGI Creator ( with project settings).
- Added panel models - AGI 407M and AGI 410M.
- [PROD] Made Device ID, Sync and Freeze Profibus options, user configurable.
- [S7PP] 187k baud rate allowed.
- Added eX710MG as HMI model.
- JM4Web - added support for Tab widgets.
- [OPCUA Server] Added Multilanguages Support for Alarm properties that support it.
- Added offline version of the help.
- [PA#782] Verify OSS in 4.05.01.
- [JM4Web] Added property "Line Style" to Line widget.
- FRAM Backup / Restore from USB updater, system settings and Manage Target in AGI Creator.
- A default behaviour can now be chosen when opening an application created with previous JM.
- [S7ET][S7OP] Added support for importer Tia Portal project 18.
- Made PLCM10 variables available in CODESYS.
- Added review of alphabet and numeric keypads style.
- Added System Variables on PLCM10 for SIM PIN and credentials in case of PAP connection and APN.
- CODESYS PN-Device Stack.
- Added panel models - AGI 415M and AGI 421M.
- Added review if UM templates style.
- The web browser widget will not highlight when the HTTPS site does not have a trusted certificate.
- [JM4Web] Added support to change EditBox widget Frame colour.
- Added support to change EditBox widget Frame colour.
- Upload User Modified data when uploading application.
- Added property "Style" to Line widget.
- [J193] Added new features for Diagnostic frames (DM1 DM2 DM3 DM4).
- Added feedback usability of Stack Widget.
- [CDSH] Implemented online user security: implemented PLC Handler based protocol.
- Added support to RTSP & MJPEG protocol in IP Camera widget.
- Enhanced Dashboard User Interface.
- Translation: Added AGI Creator Client multi-languages.
- Added Studio double check: if a serial port (com) is just in use by an other driver and if a protocol driver supports multi-instance.
- Added "Allow HTTPS Only" on Runtime PC.
- Studio ML Improvements.
- Improved usability of Stack widget.
- Provided option to remove the certificate from Runtime PC.
- Added create custom widget from a single widget.
- Split delete runtime dynamic files into multi options (Trends, Events, Recipes, Scheduler, User Management).
- Unicode support for recipes.
- Added PDF Viewer option to show the entire page of PDF.
- Added ignore added element if Set recipe has been created before addition.
- Added Expose Watchdog disable in Project Properties.
- Restore Recipe with restore type MatchandAdd will now not work in case of wrong restore file.
- [JM4Web] Added Restore Recipe with restore type MatchandAdd will now not work in case of wrong restore file.
- [CDS3] Fixed issue where having another protocol instance disconnected toggle action, took time to be executed.
- Fixed device issues in handling Malformed TLS packet on port 990/tcp.
- Fixed device issues in handling Malformed FTP packet on ports 21/tcp and 990/tcp.
- Fixed issue where Downgrading OS Components were not working from Manage Target (Introduce Issue).
- [DSER] Fixed issue with using the Direct Serial protocol for RS232 communication, when the token is longer than 1000 characters the first 1001 characters are discarded - Case ID: 202402787.
- [BACN] Fixed issue where the Notification Class Count value caused the HMI to crash.
- [BACN][BAC2] Fixed issue of multistate value on BACnet server having wrong default.
- [BACN][BAC2] Fixed issue where BACnet max MS/TP APDU cannot be lower than 256.
- Fixed issue where action configured on button was not executed under specific conditions.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where SVG stroke line was not visible on web pages.
- Fixed issue where using indexed elements of an array as alarms' Ack Notify, they did not behave correctly.
- Fixed issue where under a specific condition, the Hot Spot Button did not work properly.
- Fixed issue where adding a new alias inside plc network caused rename other plc tags.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where close dialog action did not work properly on web pages.
- Fixed issue where MQTT Birth Message appeared twice and a data was missing to publish.
- Fixed where downloading of recipe under specific scenario caused runtime crash.
- Fixed issue where parameter reference became broken when custom widget was copied between projects.
- Fixed issue where curl command sent to panel caused immediate runtime crash.
- Fixed issue where runtime crashed when loading historic alarm data.
- [J193] Fixed issue where Multipacket stopped being sent.
- Fixed issue where offline licence activation procedure did not work if the PC had no internet connection.
- Fixed issue where numeric field property "Show Thousand Separator" did not work for specific values.
- [CDSH] Fixed issue where in a CODESYS project offline, adding global variables (handler protocols) that were not used in the HMI, and the CODESYS project online was updated, it caused HMI/PLC loss of communication.
- [CDSH] Fixed issue where when using the CODESYS handler protocol and the connection to variables is lost, changing pages between pages with stack widgets or data transfer, the connection is lost again - Case ID: 202401802.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where it was tot possible to enter carriage return in Data Entry.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where using a filter in the history alarm widget, and selecting the custom field 1 column did not work.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where message widget with non continuous index,- Live tag was not working correctly.
- Duplicate widget inside gallery
- [J193] Fixed issue where Protocol was unable able to save the PGN table to BIN file. (regression).
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where IP Camera widget behaved differently depending on Web application access if HTTP or HTTPS.
- JM4Web: Fixed where Combobox did not work in web pages from mobile device only.
- Fixed issue where alarms were listed in active alarms widget even when Notify events were all disabled.
- Fixed issue where linking a project widget's property inside a formula did not work.
- Fixed issue where using a filter in the history alarm widget and selecting the custom field 1 column did not work.
- Corrected wrong result with 64-bit integer operations formulas.
- [OPCU] Imported string tags now have correct length.
- Fixed issue where Read tag failed on MariaDB (Win32 runtime).
- Fixed issue where ftpPUT and ftpGET Javascript functions stopped working from v4.5 onwards.
- Fixed issue of crash after Copy/Paste of indexed tags.
- Fixed issue where after creating a new user with specific common parameters in runtime, the user disappeared after closing and re-opening the runtime.
- Fixed issue where import users did not work from network folder, missing error information.
- JM4Web: Needle of new switch and slider widget now works properly with Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser.
- [J193][CAND] Fixed issue where when both protocols were used on the same bus, that is in BUSOFF, some RX data problem was detect.
- [B193][J193][NM2k][NM20] - Fixed issue where tag sporadically takes random values from protocol.
- Fixed issue where encrypting the customer project, the project was not loaded.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where alarm state was not translated in alarm widgets.
- Fixed issue where installing, uninstalling and then re-installing XAscender made the uninstall option disappear from the start menu.
- [OPCU] Fixed issue where override variables did not work as expected in OPC UA Client.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where alarm history generated a very high number of requests and caused an error in the web visualisation.
- Fixed issue where import license did not work as expected.
- Fixed issue where it was not possible to reach a PELCO IP camera via IP Stream widget.
- System variables now support "eX200 Family" devices.
- Wayland: Fixed issue where Authentication dialog automatically closed on Client.
- Fixed issue where after minimising the system keyboard in the context menu, it could not open.
- Fixed issue of LMX crash in runtime PC in a specific x86 environment (tecnorobot).
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where ´multiple live tags in the same alarm did not show the correct values.
- Fixed issue where HMI client showed blue question mark on specific button inside stack widget.
- Fixed issue where after several hours, JMClient crashed and Server connection was lost.
- Enable HIET and HISE protocols for UN78.
- Fixed issue where display alarms took too long on first page with Fastboot.
- Fixed issue of runtime crash with ISOPAN project.
- Fixed issue where stack widget caused slow page loading with tag inside.
- Fixed HMI Runtime crash when DB query called from JS and updated in a table in a dialog page.
- Fixed issue where stack widget inside customer project caused runtime and simulator crash.
- Fixed issue where press and release of button action was executed twice inside stack widget.
- Fixed issue where HMI Client crashed on connection to the server.
- [MRTU] Fixed issue where offline algorithm did not work with Modbus RTU client.
- [J193] Handling PGN with number now extended (that contains Node Address).
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where Combo box did not work on mobile browser.
- CASE J: Bug 48376: Fixed issue where OPC UA Client -> Connection to the server did not work when DNS hostname validation was selected.
- Bug 49008: Fixed issue where HMIStudio allowed two instances of the same project to be in conflict with each other.
- CASE H: Bug 48373: Fixed issue where spaces in the path of HMIStudio projects were not supported.
- Fixed issue where Import and Save multilanguage texts took a very long time in customer application.
- [CDSH] [CDS3] Fixed issue with hierarchical import Tag String as string-0 when length is a constant in CODESYS program.
- [MIQE] Fixed issue where Importer could not import Tags by .csv file generated by GX Works 3 with non-English languages.
- [CAND] Fixed issue of long frame sending with NMEA2000 Fast protocol.
- Fixed issue where OPC UA server export and import incorrectly shows Encoding type as Latin for the data types.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where the trend table widget showed placeholder names in the columns header when no Tag was set.
- [NM2K] Fixed various non compliant behaviours.
- Fixed issue where Studio froze and crashed when Checkpoint VPN software ran on PC.
- Fixed issue where entering the system settings took too long.
- Fixed issue of runtime crash with customer project.
- Fixed issue where ODBC connection on 64bit runtime (UN78) did not work.
- Hotspot button click through behaviour now same in JM 4.5.
- Fixed issue where trying to update project with update package caused runtime crash.
- [PROD] Fail Safe Mode Profibus options now user configurable.
- Fixed issue of error message handling when importing a missing multilingual .xml file.
- Fixed issue where Linux devices used RST command to close TCP connection.
- [OMRE] Fixed issue where PLC model CP1L did not support write of multiple strings.
- Fixed issue where Runtime was shutdown as soon as the application started.
- [DSCK] Fixed issue where there was a communication block and panel reboot with customer application.
- Can now send message with AWS/MQTT QoS0.
- Fixed issue where AWS/MQTT “Retain” function did not work.
- Fixed issue where the project may not restart if the restart action was executed while connected to AWS.
- Fixed issue where the widget shows question mark with 1 JM Server and 4 JM Client.
- [PA#569] Fixed 4.5.1 studio translation issues.
- Fixed issue where alarm acknowledge from corvina cloud did not work after runtime restart.
- Fixed issue where removing a modified page caused a Studio crash.
- [IDE3] Fixed issue where tag import created a wrong URI for M memory type tags.
- [J193] Fixed issue where DTC1 in Alarm J1939 was no longer detected after changed version.
- [OPCU] Fixed issue where Enum type variables could be read but not written.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where momentary button sometimes remains pressed.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue with responsive design where the button labels shifted on clicking in automatic script.
- Fixed issue where it was not possible to download to target if manual proxy was set on Windows 10.
- [S7OP] Fixed issue where communication error tag name was not found when importing customer TIA portal project.
- [PA#569] Fixed issue where same choices were made for existing recipes.
- JM4Web: Widget Permission at Page Level now works the same in web project.
- [KEKV] Fixed incorrect read of Timer/Counter/Comparator contacts.
- AGI: Fixed issue where Creator crashed when a specific project was downloaded.
- Fixed issue of slow page loads with newest runtime.
- Retentive memory automatic space calculation for array data types now correct.
- [CDS3] Fixed issue of delay between datagrams when this protocol was used in TCP mode.
- SetSerialMode function of SerialExt library now working.
- GetTag on specific array element now working on PC Client.
- [KEKV] Fixed issue of wrong access to word variables.
- DB Connector now works properly using case-sensitive databases.
- [OMRE] Optimized protocol request to maximize data exchange with PLC.
- Fixed issue where AGI Creator crashed after deleting Tag mapped in Audit Trail.
- Fixed issue where there was a wrong value on PLC when 2500 value (and multiple) written on Numeric Field with scaling and Tag with Swap conversion.
- Fixed issue where runtime crashed with Stack widget which contains 5 layers and nested 5 stacks.
- Fixed issue of wrong empty line inside "Data Format" Combobox of Regional Settings.
- Fixed issue where HMI crashed while printing PDF for first time after project downloaded.
- Fixed sporadic issue where OnRelease event on physical keyboard was not executed when changing page.
- Combobox now shows correct text when Negative value is present in the index.
- Fixed issue where error handling for unsupported writing system choices was not working.
- Dialog now in correct position at runtime.
- Fixed issues with Audit Trail.
- Copy/Paste now working in Tag editor.
- Fixed issue where it was possible to log in to client with user group that was not authorised to log in to the client.
- Fixed issue where panel reboots following page change sequence.
- Fixed issue where combobox visualisation did not work in template page in a specific configuration.
- Fixed issue where project was slow after unload and reload operation in case of Data Transfers.
- Fixed issue where there were unexpected changes in MD5 checksum after multiple project downloads.
- Fixed issue where CTRL+S did not perform "Save All" if active page was Tags or Protocol.
- Fixed issue of CODESYS Version distributed in AGI Creator 4.5 with erroneous "" file.
- Fixed issuer where project showed no values and ? in numeric fields after update to
- [PA#557/28] - Fixed issue where BSP update may not be possible from AGI Creator's device management.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where word wrap was not working in latest 4.5.1 builds.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where numeric fields alignment was different in Chrome and Chromium.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where table widget did not load.
- JM4Web: The correct index value for ML enabled non continuous index message widget in web is now shown.
- Fixed issue where runtime on HMI froze if numeric field was pressed simultaneously on Multi touch screen.
- TabBarWgt action security will now be erased after modifying configuration.
- Fixed issue where Canvas Auto Clear Background did not works on web pages.
- JM4Web: Fized issue where screen froze when we performed multiple logins with with specific users.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue of different behavior in scatter diagram refresh between panel and web page.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue of misalignment between native and web pages on trend cursor value.
- Fixed recipe JS Api compatibility issues.
- [MIFE] Extended size of data blocks for optimization on word registers. Fixed wrong maximum size on bit registers.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where after conversion to 4.5.1, font type and size were wrong in web pages.
- IPLC Codesys V3 - Checked diagnostic function and bits of PLIO03 and PLIO06 board.
- Fixed issue where Writing System did not work using JM in Japanese or Chinese language.
- [PA#477] - JM4Web: Removed fake messages from the validation report.
- Fixed issue where canvas "Draw Hint" property did not work on native project.
- Fixed issue where signature was not requested if value was changed by knob or slider.
- Fixed issue where AuditTrail Signature did not work if Buttons, Switches or Alias were used for writing the Tag.
- Fixed issue where automatically double-clicking on Tag was not acquired with full name if original importing was done with hierarchical mode.
- Button Fill colour with formula now working in web browser (JM4Web).
- [Jm4Web] - Fixed issue where old Alarm History widget did not show the Custom Fields in the table properly when used in 4.5.
- Fixed issue where Japanese (multiByte char) String was not recognized on JS Editor embedded on CW.
- Fixed issue where "BrowseMedia" on a small display opened a dialog window that is larger than the display size.
- Changed the JP strings coming under toolbar related with Spacing.
- Fixed issue where default user groups with no tags R/W permission caused tags to not update.
- AGI Creator now recognises "-" character in upload password project when it is defined in the BSP.
- Fixed issue where projects launched from links cannot be saved after upload.
- Fixed issue where data transfer did not work on Client System variables.
- X5 - Added "Number of Connected Station" in System Variable when device is configured like Access Point.
- Fixed issue where switch user and logout to default caused stack widget to fail to update tags.
- Fixed issue where in custom widget, parameter used as array index would always be treated as 0.
- Fixed issue where number format property of numeric field returned to custom value.
- Fixed issue where ComboBox listed items were duplicated in the runtime after switching between continuous and non continuous index mode.
- Fixed issue where runtime crashed while scrolling alarm, audit or trend table widgets.
- [PA#783] Fixed issue where write command was sent many times and other problems.
- Fixed issue where multistate image with Continuous Index flag was disabled and default Index values did not work correctly.
- Fixed issue where Rename Tag name was not reflected in the table data src widget when it was attached with formula.
- [PA#783] Fixed issue where write command was sent many times.
- Fixed issue where runtime crashed when´an empty message was published on Retain enabled topic.
- Fixed issue where Studio crashed when enabled and added new tag from Dictionary to assign in the Indexed Tag Set.
- Fixed issue where Studio crashed if an attempt is made to manually reorder the Alias of Indexed Tag Set.
- Fixed issue where runtime crashed after frequent changes of Index Tag (Indexed Tags).
- [JM4Web / Runtime] - Fixed number format issues.
- Fixed issue where AGI Creator Client application did not store fullscreen option.
- [OPCU] Fixed issue where the connection with customer's server was lost periodically.
- Qt5 Studio: Fixed issue where unicode char was not handling properly in File dialog and in JP OS, simulation was not working if JP char used in the path.
- Fixed issue where labels on Custom Widget replaced special character with "?".
- [ETIP] Fixed issue where symbols with parameter "Usage := Public" were not imported from Linear importer.
- Fixed issue where tag string was updated twice if value applied was longer than string size.
- JM4Web: Colour Palette now works when Old button is pressed.
- Label font size now works properly in web page.
- Fixed issue where AGI Creator could not retain stored 'admin' password of HMI; Enter Dialog will be always asked before a project download on PC with OS Win10 and Win7.
- Fixed issue where using 1/10 s time sampling was not accurate in PC runtime.
- Fixed issue where time field format in Dump did not respect Date format in the action in 4.5.
- Fixed issue where dynamic set naming for AddRecipeDataSet action did not work in JM4Web.
- [MODR] Fixed issue where panel failed to start with AGI Creator+codesys on 4.5.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where Write on Index property of combobox widget did not work with a particular project.
- Fixed issue where rename user galley page caused Studio to crash.
- Fixed issue where sent email content was not Unicode.
- PLCM10/PLCM11/PLC12 / PLCM10B - Common system Variables now used for all variants.
- Fixed issue where when GridLayout is in Edit Mode, if the project is downloaded, the GridLayout is shown in Edit Mode at runtime.
- JM4Web: Fixed issue where values were not displayed in table widget.
- Fixed issue where Boolean BACnet scheduler widget did not correctly show and write default value.
- Fixed issue where Canc shortcut from Object View did not work for layers of Stack widget.
- Fixed issue where StackWgt crashed when a new layer was added in Studio.
- Fixed issue where GNSS State System variables always showed State 0 even when a GPS signal was received.
- Fixed issue where computation of Min and Max values were displayed incorrectly on web.
- Fixed issue where trial licence did not work as expected in some computers.
- Fixed issue where grid layout enabled inside a stack widget layer was not show in full size before reopening page.
- Fixed issue where BACnet alarms considered the timestamp of the Alarm as UTC.
- Fixed issue where messages and label inside nested Custom Widget were completely lost in 4.5.
- Fixed issue with delay in searching runtime in local host when downloading the project for the first time.
- [OPCU] Fixed issue where symbols discovery did not work for device connect using Port Forwarding.
- Fixed issue of taking too long to display within the browser widget before being resized correctly.
- Fixed issue where the GridLayout layer of a StackWgt inside a Custom Widget was not correctly resized.
- Fixed crash when page.reject JS command was used in the keyboard.
- Fixed issue where add recipe set name did not work with number only or string with dot.
- Fixed issue where load page from switch user returned error if page name contained a dot.
- Fixed issue where changing the system time on a panel will bug the visualisation of those variables on the browser page.
- Fixed issue where recipe import in project or panel did not return any warning if set name was a number.
- Fixed issue where Restore Recipe action of Alarm causes Error Message if number of sets are changed.
- Fixed issue where runtime crashed when execute RestoreRecipe with BrowseforFile enabled.
- Fixed issue where first attempt to connect to Win32 runtime by typing only IP fails.
- JM4Web: fixed issue where start time and end time in every widget with page duration did not work as expected.
- Fixed issue where it was not possible to print from runtime and simulator (Printer Busy error message returned).
- Fixed issue where Widget Security Settings were lost when duplicating a page.
- [OPCU] Fixed issue where when using PLC Network and Slave 2 goes offline and online again, communication is not reestablished.
- Fixed issues with protocol Alias on tags.
- Fixed issue where Client shows blue question mark icons on Tag when page loaded for first time when Client system variable protocol is configured.
- Fixed issue where Multilanguage Import of CSV file did not found any file if language was Japanese.
- Fixed issue where pinch event was decentralised on PDF Viewer.
- Fixed issue of delay when page with Table widget loaded.
- Fixed issue where the restore of a new recipe set with a different number of elements, generated an empty set.
- Studio Crashed when the Grid Layout background colour of an object is changed into Stack with Grid Layout disabled.
- Fixed Issue with negative data entry (CRMTS201301350).
- Arrays are now managed properly by MQTT.
- CVE-2017-18214 - Moment js
- CVE-2022-24785 - Moment.js
- CVE-2022-39353 - xmldom
- CVE-2022-37616 - xmldom
- CVE-2019-10744 - lodash
- CVE-2020-8203 - lodash
- CVE-2021-23337 - lodash
- CVE-2018-14404 - Libxml2
- CVE-2019-19956 - Libxml2
- CVE-2020-25694 - PostgreSQL
- CVE-2020-25696 - PostgreSQL
- CVE-2021-3518 - Libxml2
- CVE-2022-23308 - Libxml2
- CVE-2022-40303 - Libxml2
- CVE-2022-40304 - Libxml2
- CVE-2021-3517 - Libxml2
- CVE-2021-43311 - UPX
- CVE-2021-43312 - UPX
- CVE-2021-43313 - UPX
- CVE-2021-43314 - UPX
- CVE-2021-43315 - UPX
- CVE-2021-43316 - UPX
- CVE-2021-43317 - UPX
- CVE-2022-42915 - Curl
- CVE-2023-23914 - Curl
- CVE-2019-9687 - PoDoFo
- CVE-2018-19873 - Qt
- CVE-2015-1290 - Qt
- CVE-2019-10744 - lodash
- CVE-2021-22946 - Curl
- CVE-2022-22576 - Curl
- CVE-2022-27775 - Curl
- CVE-2022-27781 - Curl
- CVE-2022-27782 - Curl
- CVE-2022-42916 - Curl
- CVE-2022-43551 - Curl
- CVE-2023-27533 - Curl
- CVE-2023-27534 - Curl
- CVE-2023-28319 - Curl
- CVE-2018-12983 - PoDoFo
- CVE-2018-19532 - PoDoFo
- CVE-2018-20751 - PoDoFo
- CVE-2019-9199 - PoDoFo
Description | ||
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15/10/2024 |
New features
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27/09/2023 |
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Em caso de dúvidas ou se enfrentar problemas para encontrar o software relevante para o seu produto, fique à vontade para contatar a DEIF A/S pelo telefone + 45 96149614 ou no escritório local da DEIF. Como alternativa, você pode enviar um e-mail para Estamos sempre prontos para ajudar!