Automated hydro turbine control

Complete Retrofit of a Kaplan Hydro Turbine Plant

Automatic operation increases output

Cooperating with electrical engineering company Caverion in October 2015, DEIF developed and installed a complete retrofit solution including new cabling and switchboards for a new turbine and generator. These were fitted with a customised plant control solution containing the Delomatic 400 hydro plant controller, an AGI 300 HMI display and a range of analogue instruments.

The system solution cuts installation costs significantly compared to systems that require multiple units to provide synchronisation, protection and PLC functionality. Moreover, it offers fully automated control for stable and optimised operation and requires less maintenance.

Critical functions such as speed governing, generator protections and synchronising are fully integrated with passwordprotected features for maximum security.

Halla Kraft

Constructed in 1956, rebuilt in 1987 and most recently in 2015, the Halla Kraft hydro power plant is fitted with one Kaplan 500 kW turbine, producing approximately 2 GWh per year. The plant is one of nine hydro power plants at the river Lidan and it is owned by Swedish Kvänum Energi. More than 1,000 hydropower plants account for roughly 50 % of Swedens accumulated electricity production today.

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